Résumé - Petréa Mitchell

Last updated: November 16, 2010


Me and what I'm looking for

I enjoy being around users. I'd like to find a full-time position which allows me to take the next step forward and make use of my usability and architecture skills. From my current location, I'm ideally looking for something in the west to central part of the Portland, OR metro area, but I'm willing to relocate for the right offer.

Experience & training

First, a few keywords for the scanners

AWT, BSD, C, C++, CGI, FreeBSD, HCI, HP-UX, HTML, human-computer interaction, Informix-4GL, Informix-SQL, Java, MFC, MOO, MSSQL, NN/g, OO, OOP, SQL, SQL Server, Swing, Unix, usability, UX, Vermont Views, Windows

Industry experience

Evraz Oregon Steel - Software engineer - 9.5 years
Develop, test, and maintain custom software used within the business. Participate in all stages of development from gathering requirements to monitoring installed system. Development mainly done in C and Java, with maintenance and ultimately replacement of Informix-4GL code. Programs used on HP-UX (Unix) mainframes and Windows desktops.

Reprise, Inc. - Code technician - 4 months (contract)
Minor bug fixes and code cleanup. Code was in C and C++.

Other experience


BSCS with a minor in geology, Portland State University, 2000.

Other training


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URL: http://www.m5p.com/~pravn/resume.html