Crouch Memorial Language Institute: Svenska (Swedish)-English

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Decoded from this Swedish Harry Potter site (try this link to avoid frames).

A | B | C | D | E | F | G | H | I | J | K | L | M | N | O | P | Q | R | S | T | U | V | W | X | Y | Z | Å | Ä | Ö |


All Swedish vowels are long when stressed and followed by one or no consonants, and short otherwise.

a = open "uh" when short, "ah" when long
e = short e when short, "eh" when long
i = short i when short, "ee" when long
o = short u when short, "oo" when long
u = tightened "oo", double-length when long
y = German ü (pronounce "ee" with the lips pursed for "oo"), double-length when long
å = the first part of "oh", longer when long
ä = short e when short, short a when long
ö = German ö (pronounce "uh" while mouthing "oh"), double-length when long

These consonants are hard when followed by a, o, u, å, or a consonant, and soft when followed by other vowels.
g = "g" when hard, "y" when soft or at the end of a word, and "ng" when following a vowel and preceding n.
k = "k" when hard, "sh" when soft
sk = "sk" when hard, "sh" when soft

ch = "sh"
dj, gj, hj, j = "y"
kj, tj = "ch"
r is rolled, except when followed by d or t
rs at the end of a word = "sh"
sch, skj, stj = "sh"
si, ti = "sh" in the endings -sion, -tion
w = "v"
b, c, d, f, h, l, m, n, p, q, t, v, x are as in English.


Albus: Albus
Azkaban: Azkaban


Bagman: Bagman
Barty: Barty
Black: Black


Colin: Colin
Crabbe: Crabbe
Creevey: Creevey
Crouch: Crouch


Delacour: Delacour
Dobby: Dobby
Draco: Draco
Dudley: Dudley
Dumbledore: Dumbledore


Fantastiska vidunder och var man hittar dem: Fantastic Beasts and Where to Find Them


flammande bägaren: Goblet of Fire
Fleur: Fleur


Ginny: Ginny
Goyle: Goyle
Granger: Granger
Gryffindor: Gryffindor
Gyllenroy: Gilderoy


Hagrid: Hagrid
Harry: Harry
Harry Potter och Den flammande bägaren: Harry Potter and the Goblet of Fire
Harry Potter och De vises sten: Harry Potter and the Philosopher's Stone
Harry Potter och Fången från Azkaban: Harry Potter and the Prisoner of Azkaban
Harry Potter och Hemligheternas kammare: Harry Potter and the Chamber of Secrets
Hedwig: Hedwig
hemligheternas kammare: Chamber of Secrets
Hermione: Hermione
Hogwarts: Hogwarts
husalf: house-elf


James: James


Justin: Justin


Karkaroff: Karkaroff
Krum: Krum


Lockman: Lockhart
Longbottom: Longbottom
Ludo: Ludo
Lupin: Lupin


Malfoy: Malfoy
Maxime: Maxime
Moody: Moody
Missnöjda Myrtle: Moaning Myrtle
Monsterögat: Mad-Eye
mugglar: Muggle
Måntand: Moony


Neville: Neville


Peter: Peter


Pettigrew: Pettigrew
Potter: Potter
Professor: Professor


Quidditch: Quidditch
Quidditch genom tiderna: Quidditch Through the Ages
Quirrel: Quirrel


Rektor: Headmaster
Remus: Remus
Ron: Ron
Rubeus: Rubeus


Scabbers: Scabbers
Severus: Severus
Sirius: Sirius
Slingersvans: Wormtail
Slytherin: Slytherin
Snape: Snape


Tagghorn: Prongs
Tramptass: Padfoot
troll: troll


Viktor: Viktor


vises sten: Philosopher's Stone
Voldemort: Voldemort


Weasly: Weasley
Winky: Winky

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Petréa Mitchell