Crouch Memorial Language Institute: Submissions

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Is the Institute missing a word, a few words, an entire language? Send them in!

You do not need to know the English versions of the words or names you send in-- just describe the thing or character. For instance, you can say, "In the Czech translation of the third book, the animal that bites a student's arm is named Klofan," and I'll be able to figure out you mean the creature who is named Buckbeak in English. If you do know the English version, and the translation is not just a transliteration, I'd like to know your best guess as to why. Is there a pun involved, is there some special cultural significance to the new word, or is the English word just obscene in that language?

If your language uses anything other than the basic Roman alphabet, there are a number of ways you can send in the words. You can send them as HTML hexadecimal entities, use some kind of transliteration to ASCII (plaintext) that preserves the proper spelling, or, if you want to, you can just send them as a Unicode file. However, please do not send Unicode in the body of your message; keep it to attached files!

Corrections and comments are welcomed as well at the address below.

Petréa Mitchell