Crouch Memorial Language Institute: Slovenský (Slovak)-English

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Decoded from Potterweb.

A | Á | Ä | B | C | Č | D | Ď | Dz | Dž | E | É | F | G | H | Ch | I | Í | J | K | L | Ĺ | Ľ | M | N | Ň | O | Ó | Ô | P | Q | R | Ŕ | S | Š | T | Ť | U | Ú | V | W | X | Y | Ý | Z | Ž |


Accent marks in Slovak are purely phonemic; that is, they indicate the sound of the vowel, not the syllable to be stressed. Except in foreign borrowings, the first syllable is always the one stressed.

a = "ah"
á, ä = English short a, as in bat
c = "ts", except as follows
ch = German "ch"
č = English "ch"
e = English short e, as in red
é is like the e in English "er"
g is always hard.
i = English short i, as in fit
í = English long e, as in keep
j = English y
o = "aw"
ó, ô = English o without the off-glide (the "w" sound that often comes at the end)
š = English "sh"
u = English short u, as in put
ú = "oo"
y, ý are the same as i and í respectively.
ž = "zh", the middle consonant in measure

All other consonants are pronounced as in English.


Abbotová: Abbot
Accio: Accio
Adalbert: Adalbert
Adrian: Adrian
Albus: Albus
Alicia: Alicia
Alohomora: Alohomora
Amnesia: Obliviate
Amos: Amos
Angelina: Angelina
Aparecium: Aparecium
Aragog: Aragog
Argus: Argus
Arsenius: Arsenius
Artur: Arthur
A som I lord Voldemort: I am Lord Voldemort


astronómia: Astronomy
Avada Kedavra: Avada Kedavra
Avery: Avery
Avis: Avis
Azkaban: Azkaban
Bagman: Bagman
Bagshotová: Bagshot
Basil: Basil
Bathilda: Bathilda
Beauxbatons: Beauxbatons
Bellová: Bell
Berta: Berta
Besedy s banší: Break with a Banshee
Bill: Bill
Binns: Binns
Black: Black
Bonesová: Bones
Boot: Boot
Brocklehurstová: Brockelhurst
Brownová: Brown
Bulstrodová: Bulstrode


Cedric: Cedric
Charlie: Charlie
Connoly: Connolly
Colin: Colin
Crabbe: Crabbe
Creevey: Creevey
Crockfordová: Crockford
Crucio: Crucio
čarovanie: Charms
Čarovné odvary a elixíry: Magical Drafts and Potions


Davies: Davies
Dean: Dean
Dedalus: Dedalus

dejiny mágie: History of Magic
Delacourová: Delacour
Deletrius: Deletrius
Dementor: Dementor
Dennis: Dennis
Densaugeo: Densaugeo
Diggle: Diggle
Diggory: Diggory
Dimitrov: Dimitrov
Dissendium: Dissendium
Divooký: Mad-Eye
Dobby: Dobby
Doris: Doris
Draco: Draco


duch: ghost
Dudley: Dudley
Dumbledore: Dumbledore
Durmstrang: Durmstrang
Dursley: Dursley (male)
Dursleyová: Dursley (female)
Emeric: Emeric
Engorgio: Engorgio
Ennervate: Ennervate
Ernie: Ernie
Evans: Evans
Expecto Patronum: Expecto Patronum
Expelliarmus: Expelliarmus
Échang: Chang
Écho: Cho


fénix: phoenix
Félix: Fawkes
Figgová: Figg
Filch: Filch
Finch-Fletchley: Finch-Fletchley
Finite Incantatem: Finite Incantatem
Finnigan: Finnigan
Firenze: Firenze
Flamel: Flamel
Fleur: Fleur
Flint: Flint
Flitwick: Flitwick
Frank: Frank
Fred: Fred
Fudge: Fudge
Furnunculus: Furnunculus


galeón: Galleon
George: George
Gilderoy: Gilderoy
Ginny: Ginny
Goshawková: Goshawk
Goyl: Goyle
Grangerová: Granger
Griphook: Griphook
Grumplová: Grubbly-Plank


Hagrid: Hagrid


Hannah: Hannah
Harry: Harry
Harry Potter a kameň mudrcov: Harry Potter and the Philosopher's Stone
Harry Potter a ohnivá čaša: Harry Potter and the Goblet of Fire
Harry Potter a tajomná komnata: Harry Potter and the Chamber of Secrets
Harry Potter a väzeň z Azkabanu: Harry Potter and the Prisoner of Azkaban
Hedviga: Hedwig


herbológia: Herbology
Hermiona: Hermione
Higgs: Higgs
Chrabromil: Gryffindor
Igor: Igor
Impedimenta: Impedimenta
Impervius: Impervius
Impererios: Imperio
Irma: Irma


James: James
Jeseň s yetim: Year with the Yeti
Jigger: Jigger
Jim: Jim
Johnsov´: Johnsov´
Jordan: Jordan
Jorkinsová: Jorkins
Justin: Justin


kameň mudrcov: Philosopher's Stone
Karkarov: Karkaroff
Katie: Katie
Kennilworthy: Kennilworthy
kentaur: centaur
Kettleburn: Kettleburn
Kornelius: Cornelius
Krum: Krum
Krvavý barón: Bloody Baron


Lavender: Lavender
Lee: Lee
Lily: Lily
Lockhart: Lockhart
Locomotor Mortis: Locomotor Mortis
Longbottom: Longbottom
Lucius: Lucius
Ludo: Ludo
Lumos: Lumos
Lupin: Lupin
Lynch: Lynch


Macnair: Macnair
Madam: Madam
Malcolm: Malcolm
Malfoy: Malfoy
Malkinová: Malkin
Mandragora: mandrake
Mandy: Mandy
Marcus: Marcus
Marge: Marge
Marvoloso: Marvolo
Maxime: Maxime
McGonagallová: McGonagall
McGuffin: McGuffin
Merlynovho radu: Order of Merlin
Merlynovho radu I. stupňa: Order of Merlin, First Class
Metlobal: Quidditch
Metlobal v priebehu vekov: Quidditch Through the Ages
Millicent: Millicent
Minerva: Minerva
Miranda: Miranda
Mobiliarbus: Mobiliarbus
Molly: Molly
Moody: Moody
Moon: Moon
Moranová: Moran
Morsmordre: Morsmordre
Mulciber: Mulciber
Mulletová: Mullet


Nadprirodzené bytosti a ich výskyt: Fantastic Beasts and Where to Find Them
Nagini: Nagini
Neville: Neville
Newt: Newt
Nicolas: Nicolas
Norrisová: Norris
Nott: Nott
Nox: Nox


obrana proti čiernej mágii: Defense Against the Dark Arts


ohnivá čaša: Goblet of Fire
Olivander: Ollivander
Oliver: Oliver
Orchideos: Orchideous
pani: Mrs.
Parvati: Parvati
Patilová: Patil
patrona: Patronus
pán: Mr.
Penelopa: Penelope
Percy: Percy
Perksová: Perks
Peskiwichtli Pesternomi: Peskipiski Pesternomi
Petrificus Totalus: Petrificus Totalus
Petunia: Petunia
Phyllida: Phyllida
Piers: Piers
Pinceová: Pince
Polkiss: Polkiss
Pomfreyová: Pomfrey
Potter: Potter (male)
Potterová: Potter (female)
Potulky s trolmi: Travels with Trolls
Priori Incantatem: Priori Incantatem
Prior Incantato: Prior Incantato
profesor: Professor (male)
profesorka: Professor (female)
Pucey: Pucey


Quentin: Quentin
Quietus: Quietus
Quigley: Quigley
Quirell: Quirrell


Reducio: Reducio
Relashio: Relashio
Remus: Remus
Rictusempra: Rictusempra
Riddikulus: Riddikulus
Riddle: Riddle
Rita: Rita
Roberts: Roberts
Rokfort: Hogwarts
Ron: Ron
Ronald: Ronald
Ronan: Ronan
Rubeus: Rubeus
Ryan: Ryan


Sally-Anne: Sally-Anne
Scamander: Scamander
Seamus: Seamus
Serpensortia: Serpensortia
Severus: Severus
Skeeterová: Skeeter
Sibyla: Sibyll
Sinistrová: Sinistra
Sirius: Sirius
Sir Nicholas de Mimsy-Porpington: Sir Nicholas de Mimsy-Porpington
Slizerin: Slytherin
Snape: Snape
Sonorus: Sonorus
Spinetová: Spinnet
Sporeová: Spore


správca školských pozemkov a hájnik: Keeper of the Keys and Grounds
Sproutová: Sprout
Stan: Stan


starostlivosƅ o zázračné tvory: Care of Magical Creatures
Susan: Susan
Switch: Switch
Takmer bezhlavý Nick: Nearly Headless Nick


tajomná komnata: Chamber of Secrets
Tarantallegra: Tarantallegra
Temné sily: Príručka sebaobrany: The Dark Forces: A Guide to Self-Protection
Teória D;arovania: Magical Theory
Terence: Terence
Terry: Terry


teta: Aunt
Thomas: Thomas
Tisíc zázračných bylín a húb: One Thousand Magical Herbs and Fungi
Travers: Travers
Tom: Tom


transfigurácia: Transfiguration
Trelawneyová: Trelawney
Trimble: Trimble
Troy: Troy
Turpinová: Turpin


tvorba elixírov: Potions
Učebmica transfigurácie pre začiatočníkov: A Beginner's Guide to Transfiguration
Umrnéaná Myrta: Moaning Myrtle
Úlety s upírmi: Voyages with Vampires


veštenie: Divination
Viktor: Viktor
Voldemort: Voldemort
Volkov: Volkov
Všeobecná príručka kuziel pre. 1: The Standard Book of Spells, Grade 1
Všeobecná príručka kuziel pre. 2: The Standard Book of Spells, Grade 2
Všeobecná príručka kuziel pre. 3: The Standard Book of Spells, Grade 3
Všeobecná príručka kuziel pre. 4: The Standard Book of Spells, Grade 4
Vulchanov: Vulchanov
Výlety s vlkolakmi: Wanderings with Werewolves
Waddiwasi: Waddiwasi
Waffling: Waffling
Weasley: Weasley (male)
Weasleyová: Weasley (female)
Whisp: Whisp
Winky: Winky
Wingardium Leviosa: Wingardium Leviosa
Wood: Wood
Yvonne: Yvonne
Zograv: Zograf
Zrkadlo z Erisedu: Mirror of Erised

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Petréa Mitchell