The Akashic Record: C

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Abbreviations & Sources | Contributions
Cadmus Peverell: Etym: The legendary founder of Thebes. OED also includes Cadmean victory, "a victory involving one's own ruin".

Caput Draconis: The first password to the Gryffindor tower when Harry arrives at Hogwarts.

Etym: Latin for "dragon's head".

Cauldron Cakes: A type of wizard candy, probably something akin to a cupcake.

centaur: A mythical creature with the body of a horse, and the top half of a human attached where the neck would be. Rowling's centaurs are largely peaceful but wish to keep to themselves. A group of them lives in the Forbidden Forest.

Charlie Weasley [Charles]:

Etym: From ceorl, Old English for "a man".

Charms: One of the basic subjects that all students at Hogwarts have to study, taught by Professor Flitwick. A general term for all sorts of minor spells of instantaneous effect.

Chaser: One of the three players on a Quidditch team who pass the Quaffle between them and attempt to throw it through one of the goal hoops. A goal is worth 10 points.

Chocolate Frogs: A wizard candy, undistinguished except for the line of Famous Witches and Wizards trading cards that come with them.

Christmas pudding: A rich fruit pudding, typically splashed with brandy and set alight just before serving. Hiding a silver coin in it is also traditional.

Circe: An enchantress who figures in the Odyssey. She transformed Odysseus's crew into pigs. Featured on a Famous Witches and Wizards trading card.

Cliodna: A druid featured on a Famous Witches and Wizards trading card.

Cokeworth: Location of the Railview Hotel.

Comet Two Sixty: A brand of flying broom.

Common Welsh Green: A type of dragon native to the British Isles.

conk: British slang for "nose".

Cornelius Fudge: Etym: St. Cornelius was pope from 251 to 253, and is noted for taking a liberal attitude toward Christians who had renounced their faith under duress. He was succeeded by St. Lucius.

Crabbe: One of Draco Malfoy's cronies.

Etym: From a nickname for someone with an odd gait, like a crab, or a cantankerous person, as a shortening of crabapple.

Crockford, Doris (PS ch. 5): A particularly effusive fan of Harry's that he met in The Leaky Cauldron.

Etym: From the placename Crockford Bridge; further etymology is uncertain and probably not relevant. Also the name of a London gambling club, and the colloquial designation of a reference work produced by the Anglican Church.

curses: Spells that injure or impede the target. Some require only a wand and a quick incantation, but stronger ones require the caster to maintain line-of-sight and keep up the incantation for the full time of effect. The terms jinx and hex appear to be equivalent, and are used in curse names for alliterative effect.

Curses and Countercurses: A book seen in Diagon Alley.

Curse of the Bogies: Something Professor Quirrell mentioned in class. Bogie has varied meanings.

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| A | B | C | D | E | F | G | H | I | J | K | L | M | N | O | P | Q | R | S | T | U | V | W | X | Y | Z
Spoilers to end of: Book 1 | Book 2 | Book 3 | Book 4 | Book 5 | Book 6 | Book 7 | Full Spoilers |
Abbreviations & Sources | Contributions

Petréa Mitchell