Decoration Banner
Midwest Construction Logo
Decoration Banner

Was: September 20-22, 2002
Rosemont, IL

Historical Site

Well, we had the con, and we had a great time. We're keeping this site up for historical purposes. If you find this interesting, you should look at the information for the current Midwest Construction as well.


Midwest Construction is a science fiction convention aimed at the people who plan science fiction conventions.Focusing on the running of local and regional cons, Midwest Construction is open to anyone interested in con running, although an emphasis will be placed on con running within the Midwest and immediately adjacent areas as well as building a greater sense of community in Midwest fandom.


Attending: $50 until September 5
Supporting: $25
More At The Door
Registration Form


Embassy Suites O'Hare
Rosemont, IL
Rates $109-$119/night. All suites.
For reservations:  847-678-4000, mention Midwest Construction
Room block closed September 5th, 2002.
(but they'll sell rooms as long as they have them.)


In the grand tradition of keeping the hotel happy conventions past, we'll be having a banquet on Saturday night. Tickets are $35. Ticket monies can be sent to the Midfan address - 707 Sapling Lane, Deerfield, IL 60015-3969.

Banquet Menu

Soup du Jour
Marinated Artichokes with Roasted Peppers
Mixed Prairie Green Salad
Salad Nicoise with Fresh Ahi Tuna
Sliced Roast Sirloin of Beef with Shitake Mushrooms
Herbed Roasted Chicken with Tomato Salsa
Seasonal Vegetable Medley
Mashed Potatoes
Rolls & Butter
Assorted Tarts, including
Lemon, Fresh Berries & Chocolate Cream
Freshly Brewed Regular and Decaf Coffee and International Teas


This is the tentative, first cut, "Hey, here's an idea" cut of the program. Comments are more than welcome, please email them to Participants are TBD.

Saturday and Sunday at 10:00, Salon B is available for "special interest" programming for topics not already on the schedule. Please sign up for these times in the hospitality suite. Also, at lunch Saturday, Worldcon bidders are invited to make a short presentation and take questions.

And of course, those traditional spaces for conversation, the consuite and the bar, are always open for a throw-together program.


Friday 5:00-Salon B
Managing Income at Con

In addition to memberships, conventions can raise money through the art show, the dealers room, and sales to members. What are some innovative ways to help support the bottom line?

Dinner 6:00-8:000

Friday 8:00-Salon B
Mixer and Welcome!

Friday 10:00-Salon B
Registration: Keeping the Lines Short and the Members Happy

The first impression most of your members will have of the convention is Registration. How can you ensure that the lines are kept as short as possible and problems are held to a minimum.


Saturday 11:00-Salon B
Publications: In Print, On-line

Only a few years ago, conventions only had to worry about print publications. Now, the website also forms a major part of the publications division of a con. What technologies are involved in each aspect of publications and how can you ensure they work together. What is the role of on-line publications once the con begins?

Lunch 12:00-1:00PM

Saturday 1:00-Salon B
How Should We Honor Our Guests?

This panel will address guest of honor issues. How different cons select their guests, how far ahead of time are they invited? What each convention provides to its guests and what they expect in return from their guests.

Saturday 2:00-Salon B
What to do When Reality Intrudes on Your Con?

As much as conventions are weekends away from our mundane existence, occasionally the real world does intrude on our time. When a crisis arises, how can you, as a con-runner deal with it to maximize your efforts with the authorities (whether local or hotel) and minimize the affect on the con members?

Saturday 3:00-Salon B
New Blood: Recruiting Gophers and Concom

A perpetual problem facing any con is how to bring in new volunteers. What can be done to ensure that new people are constantly being brought in, trained and promoted. How can you foster the feeling among members that a con is a collaborative effort and not just a show put on for their entertainment?

Saturday 4:00-Salon B
We Now Return You to Irregularly Scheduled Programming

Programming can be a fine line between providing what everyone wants and expects and being stale. How can you incorporate innovative ideas into your program and still give the people what they want.

Saturday 5:00-235/236 (Consuite)
Flyer Critique

Bring your con flyers to this workshop so we can all look at them, critique them and learn how to make a more effective flyer.

Saturday 6:00-Walden Room
Banquet/Business Meeting


Sunday 11:00-Salon B
Working with Hotels

Until the Tucker Hotel is built (and probably even after), we'll have to work with hotel sales managers to ensure that we have space to provide a convention. What are we looking for and what is the hotel looking for in their relationship. How can we work together in symbiosis instead of creating an us vs. them mentality on either side. Hotel staff is professional, we need to be professional when working with them.

Lunch 12:00-1:00PM

Sunday 1:00-Salon B
SIGs: Incorporating Special Interest Groups into Your Con

Cons always have special interest groups which want to use their space to promote themselves or hold business meetings. How can we ensure that a Special Interest Group not only feels welcome at the con, but also wants to participate in wider activities. How can we work to ensure that a Special Interest Group is not made to feel like fringe fen?

Sunday 2:00-Salon B
Ghosting & Parties

After hours is when many cons get into full swing with room parties. Because so many of these parties are held in private rooms, ghosting is on the increase during this time. What can be done to limit the number of ghosts at a convention and what can be done to make sure that room parties are not allowed to run rampant.


Steven Silver,


A postpended (B) means banquet ticket purchased.

4 Gary Agin, Houghton, MI (B)
33 Margene S. Bahm, Kansas City, MO (B)
22 Jeff Beeler, Sarnia, Ontario, Canada
12 Eloise Beltz-Decker, Chicago, IL
27 Elaine Brennan, Denver, CO (B)
8 Seth Breidbart, New York, NY (B)
36 Mike Brim, Springfield, IL
3 Tammy Coxen, Ann Arbor, MI (B)
20 Krysta December, Ann Arbor, MI
19 kT Fitzsimmons, Chicago, IL (B)
40 Richard France, Hoffman Estates, IL
39 Susette France, Hoffman Estates, IL
9 Helen Gbala, Itasca, IL (B)
52 Marnie Gucciard, Chicago, IL
26 Halmer Haag, Baltimore, MD (B)
50 Matthew K. Heermann, Naperville, IL
7 Mark Herrup, Chicago, IL (B)
15 Bill Higgins, Warrenville, IL
16 Kelley Higgins, Warrenville, IL
23 Christy Johnson, Cincinnati, OH
24 Doug Johnson, Cincinnati, OH
49 Robert C. King, Glen Ellyn, IL
13 Deb Kosiba, Chicago, IL (B)
47 Marah Searle Kovacevic, Mississauga, Ontario, Canada (B)
31S Dina Krause, Skokie, IL
37 Phread Langford, Indianapolis, IN
55 Marcy Lyn-Waitsman, Chicago, IL (B)
42 Jim Mann, Pittsburgh, PA (B)
43S Laurie Mann, Pittsburgh, PA

48 Helen Montgomery, Chicago, IL
32 Anne K. G. Murphy, Ann Arbor, MI (B)
34 James J. Murray, Kansas City, MO (B)
10 Ron Oakes, Wheaton, IL (B)
11 Tara Oakes, Wheaton, IL (B)
2 Erik V. Olson, St. Louis, MO (B)
48 Bob Palmer, Elmwood Park, IL (B)
14 Phoenix, Chicago, IL (B)
53 Lisa Ragsdale, Columbus, OH
54 Matthew Ragsdale, Columbus, OH
44 Neil Rest, Chicago, IL
28 Bill Roper, Des Plaines, IL (B)
29 Gretchen Roper, Des Plaines, IL (B)
41 Larry Sanderson, Minneapolis, MN
51 Patricia Sayre McCoy, Chicago, IL (B)
57 Sharon Sbarsky, Needham, MA (B)
38 Joyce Scrivner, Minneapolis, MN (B)
1 Steven H Silver, Deerfield, IL (B)
30 Dick Smith, Prospect Heights, IL
25 Ann Sterling, Manchester, MI
56S Ian Stockdale, Palo Alto, CA
5 Gudrun Stockman, Chicago, IL (B)
6 Joseph Stockman, Chicago, IL (B)
45 Barb Van Tilburg, Bolingbrook, IL
17 Tom Veal, Chicago, IL
46 Alexander von Thorn, Toronto, Ontario, Canada (B)
35 Kim Williams, Columbus, OH
21 Tracy Worcester, South Lyon, MI

We would like to thank MnStf, Torcon, Duckon and UK05 for their assistance in time and resources at Millennium Philcon, the 59th Annual World Science Fiction Convention.

Updated 10-Sep-2002: