
Chicago Moon-Times
Llunar News Corporation


Chicon 2000  Worldcon 58 Saturday Evening, 2 September, 2000

""I’ll take it! Then what?" — "Well, then you can swallow it, and it’ll all dissolve see, and the moonbeams would shoot out of your fingers and your toes and the ends of your hair... am I talking too much?"

Program Change

Nichelle Nichols will not be attending Chicon. [She’s alive & well, we think. -ed]

Program Ops

Party Listings


3118, TBA, Odyssey Con 2001.
2627, 8:30 pm, Babylon 4 in 1260.
2603, 9:00 pm, Duc Kon Birthday.
2529, TBA, NSS Space Party.
2427, 9:00 pm, Atlantis in 2020.
2327, 10:00 pm, Rome in ‘04.
2027, 9:00 pm, Babylon 5.
1917, 7:00 pm, PolyChat.
1615, 5:30 pm, Dr. Who Info Network.
927, 9:00 pm, WindyCon 0027.
919, 8:00 pm, Sin Pit Party (21+ only).

2977, 20:05 pm, I5 in ‘05.
2976, 8:30 pm, Charlotte in 2004.
2870, Post Hugos, Minneapolis in ‘73.
2870, 9:00 pm, Norwegian/UK in ‘05.
28??, 9:30 pm, Boston in 2054.
2777, 9:00 pm, Slime Party (21+ only).
2770, 9:00 pm, Mystery God Confusion.
2769, Post-Hugos, Midwest FurFest.
2677, 10:00 pm, Japan in 2007.
2676, TBA, Chichen Itza in 2012.
2576, 8:00 pm, Libertarian Party/Chicago.
2470, 9:30 pm, Party with Missouri.
1886, 9:30 pm, RMN Graduation - 1916.
1777, TBA, Norwegian Forest Cats fans.


TBA, Marvelous Travellers Biohazard Party.


Tip the Maids

If you are staying in one of the hotels, please remember to tip the maids. Standard practice is to leave at least $2 on your pillow before you leave for the day’s fun. If you are having a party or are particularly messy, you may want to leave a little extra.

Please Be Nice

We have received reports at Chicon Operations that some Chicon members have been discourteous to the Hyatt elevator control attendants. While everyone (including a number of Hyatt staff members) acknowledges that the elevator situation is not what it could or should be, this is no excuse for venting our frustrations on those Hyatt staff members who are trying to make sure that access to the elevators remains orderly and that they continue to function.

When the elevators were renovated weight sensors were added. When the specified weight limit is reached, the elevator will continue in its direction of travel until it reaches either the top or bottom floor and the weight is reduced. This means that floors with people waiting may be bypassed, extending the wait. If we are careful not to overload the elevators immediately, people on intermediate floors will be able to get on the elevators more quickly.

Mark Herrup, Con Operations

Art Show News

We will open for sales (taking money) at 8 pm Sunday. The Print Shop will close at 7 pm on Sunday. The Art Show will close at 3 pm on Sunday for paperwork and auction set up. We will re-open for viewing only at 4 pm.

Art Show Staff

Art Auction Stuff

The bidding for the Sunday Noon Auction will close at 7 pm Saturday. Lists will be posted. Bidding for the FINAL Sunday Auction closes at 3 pm on Sunday!! The final auction will be held shortly afterward. Buyers can pick up on Monday from 9 am to 3 pm.


Sci Fi Art

Don’t miss the "Classics of Science Fiction Art" exhibit in the Comiskey Room (Concourse Level, West Tower, Hyatt). See the old good stuff from 10 am to 6 pm.

Phyllis Eisenstein

Rest in Peace

Steve Schwartz, past chair of Marcon, passed away this week. He had been a major influence on the science fiction community of Central Ohio for over two decades. He leaves behind his wife, Jennifer, and two sons, Adam and Bryan. He will be missed.

Van Siegling

Bronx fan Judith L. Beatty Sephton died Wednesday. She had been diagnosed earlier in the year with a brain tumor and had undergone surgery and treatment. She was 58.

Judi had been active in fandom for nearly four decades. She had been a member of Sci-Fi, the City College of New York SF group in the early ‘60s, and a member of the New York Science Fiction Society — the Lunaries, Inc. She also served as Lunarians Vice President.

Mark Blackman

Mayhew Wake

WSFA thanks everyone who attended Joe Mayhew’s wake on Friday evening. Come to the Chichèn Itza in 2012 End of the Worldcon bid party in State Suite 2676 to pick up one of Joe’s memorial badge ribbons.

Bing! Bing!

It is now past time to take a bath...with water and lots of soap.


Party Throwers and Goers.

Please do not block the halls during parties. Blocking the halls creates fire and safety issues. Hotel security will be less inclined to shut down parties that are contained within rooms.

The Con Committee

Parties are responsible for carding. The legal drinking age in Illinois is 21. The convention is not responsible if the Illinois Alcohol Police finds you serving to minors. If you serve them, you may serve time.

Erik V. Olson

You must purchase your ice. It will be available from 6:00 pm to 9:00 pm tonight through Sunday in front of Mrs. O’Leary’s Con Suite. $5 for each 20 lb. bag.

The Ice Pup

Friday Party Review

Well, we ran into Leslie Turek and gave her a peek at our Thursday Parties review. After a few chuckles, she commented wistfully, "I wish I could read this the day before so I’d know which parties to hit." But, Leslie, that’s half the fun. Besides, with the quality and quantity (alliteration again!) of Friday night’s parties, you couldn’t miss.

We started off on a real high. The conversation at SFF Net’s party was as lively as you could find. They presented the most unique tray of hors d’oeuvres: sausages, meatballs and short ribs. The bottle of 12-year MacCallan scotch topped off the buffet table nicely. Speaking of old libations, the folks at Demi-Con took the ancient theme a bit further and had their hosts dressed in Greek togas. Which reminded Kurt of the columns depicted in his house plans, which prompted Scott to advise fans to be wary if they see Kurt with a large roll of paper.... Our hosts cleverly displayed their snacks in Grecian urns and offered the tastiest micro brewed root beer Kurt has enjoyed in a long time. Even our toga topped toxic (Kurt: rolling his eyes: Enough!) waste friend Mark McNary approved of their costumes for amateurs.

Babylon 5 fans hosted a nice gathering. Cardboard cutouts of the series’ characters greeted us from the elevator lobby and even guarded the pastry table. We found the cleverest party favor at the Tellurian Exposition. They offered fold-it-yourself origami rockets. At the Barbarian Wine and Cheese party, if you couldn’t find enough alcohol in their punch, you could find More Alcohol in their other punch.

Eastward at the top of the East Tower, we uncovered the East Coast Conspiracy. It was the challah bread. And with such good bread, we were thirsty. The Friendly Norwegian/UK Glasgow in 2005 party offered revelers the choice of two classic libations: Lime Aquavit and the Bowmore cask strength scotch. Scott enjoyed both while Brad Foster admired the sf-themed lamps in the suite: red light bulbs dabbed with silicon sealer to appear as a thistle pod. We’re excited about the prospect of many more bid parties from our friends hosting UK in ‘05.

Our Charlotte 2004 friends were busy during the night. Hungry fans consumed more than 80 pounds of barbeque! But don’t worry; they have more (lots more) stashed at the airport. The supply lasted until 1:30a.m. Now, that’s hosting a party! The folks from Toronto in 2003 were equally as busy hosting their bid party. It’s amazing how our fan hosts can cleverly provide inexpensive entertainment to occupy fans. Brad Foster was simply entranced while producing a Lego candy sculpture.

Jumping from north of the border to way south, we said hello to our friends bidding for Concancun in 2003 as they luxuriated under the swaying palm fronds and strings of fish lights. Our hosts offered us sangria, but Dennis Virzi suggested, "Try the beer!" We tried both. Traveling further east, way East to the Far East, we enjoyed impeccable and classic Japanese hospitality in the long-anticipated Japan in 2007 bid party. The queue of SMOFs waiting patiently to presupport the Japanese bid nearly warped space time: We lost Kurt for more than 20 minutes.... Meanwhile, Scott and Cindy Foster were enjoying the saki, candied beans and molded chocolates as Michelle Doty sampled the green tea.

All was not lost nor warped, however. We got "leied" at the door to the MSFFA party. The room was a collage of tropical motifs, from sharks to palm fronds to parrots. They even topped their daiquiris with those little umbrellas holding the fruit garnish. We relaxed a moment while serenaded by the tropical bluesey rhythms from their live band Rezn Head. "Now, this is partying," Kurt sighed. Scott agreed, sipping his daiquiri.

Rounding the corner, we encountered green aliens in the Xerps in 2010 party (an alien hoax bid). Aliens were everywhere: lining the ceiling as balloons, masking the doorway as a bead curtain, and plastering the walls, all glowing very green with the aid of what Kurt figures is the largest black light fixture he has seen. Our hosts provided bowls of party favors and giveaways which fans eagerly snapped up. Xerps did a wonderful job of coordinating the alien elements into a really close encounter.

We had to make some tough choices and consulted other party experts, such as Mark McNary and Neal Rest. Do we go with Charlotte and their enduring barbeque, a strong contender, or the UK/Norwegian’s co-hosted hospitality or the quality entertainment found at the MSFFA party? By 2:30 a.m., we discovered the real party energy had been abducted to Xerps in 2010. So with all the rights and privileges appurtenant thereto, we hereby declare Xerps in 2010 Friday’s Party of the Night. Party on, folks!

Kurt Baty and Scott Bobo

Hugos and Masquerade

Seating for the Hugos and Masquerade will begin one hour prior to the scheduled start time for disabled attendees and 45 minutes prior for everyone else. No one will be allowed entry into the Imperial Ballroom in the fairmont prior to these times.

Val and Ron Ontell, House Managers


The Hugo Awards Ceremony and the Masquerade will be broadcast to all guest rooms. Hyatt: Channel 4. Fairmont: Channel 12. Swissôtel: C hannel 26.


Ben Liberman

Hugo Voter Ribbons

I wish to apologize to all the Hugo voters who have spent the Worldcon trying to track me down to get their Hugo Awards Voter badge ribbon. I will be at the newsletter desk on Sunday from 1 pm to 3 pm..

Michael Nelson


Party News

The Norwegian Room Party will join with the UK in ‘05 (Room 2870 from 9 pm). Come join us! We have aquavit and even some Norwegian beer (and chocolates!)

Johannes H. Berg


The Marvelous Travellers Biohazard Party has Returned. Stay alert, it may find you! Mark McNary


A pinata will be set up in the area beneath the art show escalator on Saturday night during the Hugos. All are invited to show their appreciation of the well run art show.

The Fannish Prank Committee


Other Changes

The Famous Crash Landing panel has been rescheduled for Sunday, time and location TBD

Jim Malebranch, Information


Green Room

Warm fuzzies, drinks and time to prepare for their item are available to program participants in the Toronto Room, Hyatt Ballroom level, next to the escalator. Hours are 8 am to 6:45 pm Sunday and 8 am to 2 pm Monday.

This is the web version of the daily newsletter of the Chicago World Science Fiction Convention (Chicon).  Editor : Chaz Boston Baden Other Editors: Colleen Crosby, Shawn Crosby, Steve Davies Editor-in-training Michael Nelson